Sunday, October 14, 2012

Forgetting Your 15 Minutes... 

One of the joys of keeping a blog such as this one is that you get to share other people's stories about their job search experiences.  This applies when they're good, or - more often - when they're not.  (But then, who'd want to read a blog about happy job search experiences?  Are there such animals?)

Anyway, to the larger point, it's easy to get a bit carried away covering the stories of others and forgetting that - just once in a while - your own story deserves a bit of coverage as well.  To that end, I thought I'd post this clip from a recent PBS News Hour story that featured none other than yours truly in the lead-in.  While it hasn't translated into the hundreds of offers from agents and press managers ("Mr. John will be signing autographs in the lobby from noon until six..."), it's nevertheless worth sharing and enjoying.  (Hey, those 15 minutes don't last long!)

