As is the danger of posting a humorous insight, one runs the risk of setting off a chain reaction that can occasionally be difficult to control. For instance, posting how bad interviews parallel bad dates can touch off all kinds of memories and insights people are just too willing to share. To that end, we present this continuation of yesterday's list of common interview / layoff phrases and their equally bad dating equivalents. Why is this funny? Because let's face it, it's all too true.
"This position has been canceled; but we do want to thank you for your interest in our firm."
It's not you, it's me.
"After further consideration, we have elected to fill this position internally."
Dude, she was just using you to make her boyfriend jealous.
"We wish you well in your future endeavors."
You'll find someone else.
"We aren't hiring anyone at this time."
I'm just going through a phase right now.
"Due to some recent developments, we have reopened our search regarding this position."
I think we should see other people.
"This is to inform you that your position has been identified as one that will be affected by our new reorganization. Please report to HR tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. where a representative from our service team will show you where to go."
- You've just been dumped by text message. -
"It's just not working out."
It's just not working out.
"Due to our reorganization, our needs for this position have changed; and we will no longer require your services."
I just need some space right now.
"Although your qualifications are excellent, I'm afraid we can't match your salary requirements at this time."
You're too good for me.
"I saw this job posting and thought immediately of you."
Ready for another blind date?
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