Remember the fable about the architect who meticulously designed a massive library only to watch it sink further into the ground every year because he forgot to account for the weight of the books? Or the engineers who (reportedly) tested aircraft windshields via a cannon that could fire bird carcasses at varying speeds only to realize after a number of failed tests that they first needed to thaw the birds? Well, much like that, interviewers and candidates make many of the same boneheaded mistakes because - well, because we're all just human, really. Read on...
I was looking forward to a prominent interview with a renown historical college, so I printed out the map using Googlemaps and checked it against Mapquest. Both covered streets I was familiar with, and both told me I would need approximately 35 minutes for the drive. No sweat, I thought, I'll give myself an hour so I have extra time. Turns I was still almost late for the interview. Why? I had forgotten to allow time to find parking...
My wife and I got a GPS system for our cars, and I thought they were God's gift to navigation. In fact, I stopped doing dry runs for interviews since I knew I could count on the GPS to get me where I needed to go. Well, that worked fine until I was late for an interview after trying to go the route my GPS was telling me to go but finding that the entire area was under construction and I needed to find a detour...
Try explaining that to your interviewer!
I once interviewed for a position with a prominent banking firm. Since it was a bank, I figured I had better dress for the part. So I wore my best outfit - suit, tie, cuff links, you name it.
I forgot it was going to be "casual Friday," so I got to spend the day being interviewed by people in their blue jeans...
And last but certainly by no means least, we have this example of how art imitates life - suffice it to say we all need to be reminded from time to time on the importance of "grace" under pressure:
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