Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Funnies

Yes, after a week of job interviews and networking, it's fun to kick back and enjoy a few good jokes - or in this case, whatever passes for 'em.  Enjoy!

True story:  The next time you have a bad job interview, remember you probably have it better than some other poor souls.  For instance, a friend of mine was once running late for an interview.  He pulled on the new suit he'd bought for the occasion, jumped into his new shoes, tied his new tie, and ran out the door.  Sprinting across the lawn, he jumped into his car and sped toward the interview.  Not more than a few minutes later, he noticed a terrible stench in the air.  Glancing around, he tried unsuccessfully to locate the source.  Then a thought hit him.  "Oh, no...." he thought, pulling the car over.  Leaning under the dashboard, he checked:  Sure enough, he'd stepped in dog droppings as he left the yard...

A young real estate agent was showing an elderly gentleman around a new condo unit.  "Best of all, Mr. Johnson," he said.  "This is a sound future investment that will only grow in value." The old man looked at him.  "Sonny," he said.  "At my age, I don't even buy green bananas!"

"A job interview is a lot like a first date, only without the threat of sex at the end."
- Jerry Seinfeld

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