Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday Funnies

Just a few random bits to wind down the week & hopefully bring a much-needed smile.  Enjoy!


"Until you've stepped in dog doo on the way to an interview, you haven't had a bad experience yet."
- A Friend of Mine Who Actually Had This Happen to Him


"I once had a training session for a position, and the instructor kept checking her instant messenger and giggling over an exchange she was having with a co-worker.  This not only cut into our instruction time but made it abundantly clear where her primary focus was.  After about 15 minutes of this, I took out my Blackberry to check my messages.  Much to my surprise, the instructor glared at me almost immediately and said, "Could you please put that away while we're in this session?"  I left four months later!"

And this one from a few years back that actually made all the people in my grad school class groan because, well, it hit a bit too close to home for many of us:
